Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have always been a fan of spirit week. Partly because I was a cheerleader, therefore you are kind of in charge of the spirit, and partly just because I think it is fun to see all the kids express their selves. They have all sorts of fun things each day during the week; sports day, pajama day, school shirt day, backwards/inside out day, and of course my favorite, wacky hair day! I am a super fan of this because I also participated in wacky hair day when I was a youngin' I actually won 50 dollars, first prize for the wackiest hair. wish I had a pic, but I don't.

Basically I had really long hair, I put a braid on each side of my head, attached a hanger to my head and threaded the hair through, so I had a "Pippy long stocking" do. It was awesome. My hair stuck straight out and up off my head.

So today was wacky day, and our clothes we wear are already wacky, so I decided we would go with the hair. Poor Conner always wants to do spikes or something, but his hair is soooo stinking coarse, it won't budge. We call him our little Brillo pad, seriously, it's rough. A buz cut will always be his signature do, poor thing. Anyway, Dad saved the night last night by searching for hair dye, and came home with Hannah Montana blue.
It was a hit, and showed up perfectly. Taylor had to get in on the hairdo too, who could not if Hannah Montana was sporting it?Conner said the kids at school loved his hair, and Taylor loved showing hers off too. All in all wacky hair day was a success, I even put a few streaks in my hair, per request of the blue haired kids. At the end of the day; Wacky hair, Wacky kids, Happy mom.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


So I was in one of those moods where everyone gets ice cream, everyone. I have never really let Presley have rein over her own cone, but today she experienced that indulgence. Partly because every child should experience their own ice cream cone, and partly because I was indulging in a bowl of my own.

Mint chocolate chip happens to be one of my favorites, if you get a good brand, and Presley also loved it. She liked to pick out all the chips and eat them with her fingers as opposed to licking them, makes sense if you ask me. The chips are kinda different to lick, I usually have my ice cream in a bowl, so I was not opposed to her method.

Lately Presley has been miss sensitive, so I didn't think this cold, wet, sticky ice cream thing would last long, but she ate the entire thing, minus half the cone, and she definatly took her time.

After the first and last photos I took, she would hardly pay attention to me either. I kept trying to talk to her and ask her if she liked it and what not, but she was so busy focusing on eating this strange thing, that she payed no heed to my social butterflyness. Yep, I was ignored. Makes sense though, have you ever eaten a bowl of ice cream in utter silence, just focusing on each bite, truly enjoying what you're tasting? Trust me it's much more satisfying that way. I love ice cream with company too, but it seems like before I know it my spoon is clanking the bottom of the bowl, I don't know where it all went, I'm wondering if ice cream evaporates, and I'm swearing I got short changed on the scoops. And that only leaves me wanting more. Much more theraputic to eat it in silence, so kuddos to presley for figuring this out early on. It will most definatly save her some inches to the waistline.